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Meet the Founder, Editor & Content Chief

familiesgo! founder and content chief eileen gunn

Eileen Gunn, Founder and Content Chief, loves talking with reporters about family travel. 

She has been interviewed by U.S. News World Report, USA Today, “Good Day New York,” CNN, Fox News,, Martha Stewart Radio, WSJ Radio, ABC Digital, New York Newsday, Bloomberg Business Week, The Oakland Tribune, Family Travel Magazine, Go Escapes magazine (USA Today’s), and more.

She has traveled on 5 continents and has traveled by train, plane, ship, boat, car, moped tuk-tuk, double-decker bus and more. She can talk about the ins and outs of travel with a tot, a child and a tween.

If you are a reporter looking for expert insights on parents, kids and travel reach out by email.

For more information about Eileen, see my Media Kit.

Media Quotes & Guest Posts


Eileen is a journalist with 20 years of experience. She has blogged about FamiliesGo! for and has written about family travel for Reuters, Parents, Learnvest, Kids in House, RoamRight, Park Slope Parents and many others. She’s available to guest on other travel blogs or to take assignments related to family travel advice or family travel destinations.

She is available to speak with parenting groups about how to make traveling with kids less intimidating, more manageable and absolutely fun!

She is also available to advise hotels and other travel service providers on why family friendly offerings need to consider the kids and the parents and how to make their property and products attractive to the whole family.